Hi! My name is Maeve Griffith. I'm a former USAF officer and retired City of Spokane fire captain.
I love to paint, write and perform. In other words, I want to tell you a story!
If you want to buy a print or a painting, that's cool. I love having my work in homes and galleries. If you want to just hang out and take a look, that's great too. If you'd like to check out a clearing house for all my nonpainting pursuits - like my weekly radio show, books I've written, my weekly haiku invitational, plays that I am performing in, films that I've made, etc., it's at spokanarama.com.
As of this posting, I have these concurrent projects going. - SpoSpo74.com, Misconstrued Plaquitudes, Sacred Sasquatch Icons, Black Velvetorama , Odd Adornments and a Brush on the Bluff painting.
Pretty soon I will be ginning up for my August Free Art on (the) Wall extravaganza. Email me and I will let you know when the free art goes up, plus I'll also send you nice little prints.
Thanks for visiting
Current Projects...
Sacred Squatch
Odd Adornments
Schmidt Beer
(Not really a new project)
This one is not new either. Jeez.
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