RUNNING FOR MY LIFE was originally conceived, compiled and produced by Marilyn Langbehn as Zoom performances originating from the East Bay region of California (2022).
RUNNING FOR MY LIFE (2024) has been reimagined here, with Ms. Langbehn’s blessing, as a pre-election video reminder presented by greater Spokane community members.
Director/Project Manager – Pam Kingsley
Technical Director/Video & Audio Editor – Maeve Griffith
Producer/Narrator – Eve Luppert
Narrator: Eve Luppert
Suzanne Bonamici: Sue McFadden
Cheri Bustos (D-IL): Audrey Overstreet
Rosa DeLauro (D-CT): Jean Hardie
Veronica Escobar (D-TX): Melody Deatherage
Lizzie Fletcher (D-TX) Kim Blessing
Lois Frankel (D-FL): Susan Hardie
Sara Jacobs (D-CA): Rushele Herrmann
Brenda Lawrence (D-MI): Terrie Ashby-Scott
Susie Lee (D-NV): Kay Olson
Teresa Leger Fernández (D-NM): Dawn Taylor Reinhardt
Betty McCollum (D-MN): Deborah Brooks
Ann McClane Kuster (D-NH): Dorothy Finigan Prophet
Kathleen Rice (D-NY): Patricia Fitzhugh
Deborah Ross (D-NC): Mary Jo Rudolf
Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA): Phyllis Silver
Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ): Jennifer Lantz
Abigail Spanberger (D-VA): Sarah Griffith
Jackie Speier (D-CA): Lynn Noel
Norma Torres (D-CA): Delena Scott-Mobley
Video is in standard definition. To watch or use high definition video, contact Maeve. Feel free to use or link the video.